Fractured Realms [v 0.5.1]

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Beskrivning: This is a fantasy visual novel that takes place in different realms, each ruled by ancient gods and spirits. They've been separated since the beginning of time, but now the boundaries between them are starting to weaken because the gods are leaving their roles. When reality starts to unravel, friends and enemies reveal their true intentions. In one realm, there's a young man who goes back to his old home after a tragedy. He wants peace, but he discovers some secrets about his uncle's wealth and death. It leads him into political intrigue and romance. You can interact with different characters and make choices that affect the story.
More: Renpy Bugs | Help after Version Update

Version: Updated: 2024-11-08, Posted: 2024-09-27. Request for an Update!
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se xxx @ 2024-10-06 06:27:58

Varför raderar Ren Py det jag sparat likadant varje gång spelar ingen roll om det gått lång eller kort tid sen jag loggade in sist börjar misstänka att ni tycker det är kul att jävlas med oss NI PÅ GAMCORE kan väl inte vara nöjda med det drar ner erat rykte till noll!!!


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